This post will be rather short and will answer - Do human males actually think from reproductive organ or any other any other animal males for that matter? Well answer for this question is kinda yes!. Well not actually from penis but atleast from balls or human testicles. Going behind the biology of this assertion of mine, one will observe that testis produce testosterone which is human male sex hormones. This hormone though bring long term changes in human males during puberty but as males reach the period of maturity this hormones influence the behavior rather then bring any prominent change. In the background testosterone is regulating the process of sperm production so it is essentially present in blood. The amount of this hormones directly influence the decision making of any male which is also depends on the environment perception of our brain. The biological wiring of leaving more progeny behind takes charge here and testosterone have greater influence over decisions which is be...
Here we gonna talk about different situations present in the world. Not just on macro level but also the situation invisible to our eyes.